Safe Natural Solutions for Chronic Pain

Safe Natural Solutions for Chronic Pain

We’re all familiar with the acute pain that happens when we injure ourselves. That type of pain dissipates as the injury heals. In the case of this acute pain, taking an analgesic (a pain-relieving medicine) makes sense. It can ease our suffering while…


Healing the Heart

Healing the Heart

Our miraculous heart starts beating before we are born and continues to beat about once a second throughout our lives. Each contraction of the heart sends life-giving blood throughout our body, supplying oxygen and nutrients to every cell. But, our…


Improving Blood Flow

Improving Blood Flow

Blood nourishes every cell of the body with water, nutrients, and life-giving oxygen. Without a healthy and constant supply of blood, it's impossible for tissues to remain healthy. It’s also impossible for any tissue to heal properly without a good…


Strategies for Health Consulting

Strategies for Health Consulting

This is a seven-part webinar series teaching people how to use, Strategies for Health, as a tool for consulting with people about improving their health. It will explain how to get effective results by recommending therapies and supplements for people.Effective…


Regulating Blood Pressure

Regulating Blood Pressure

High blood pressure or hypertension affects over one billion people worldwide and over one hundred million Americans. Another 59 million Americans have pre-hypertension, which means they are at risk for developing hypertension. Hypertension increases…


The Therapeutic Uses of Vitamins and Minerals

The Therapeutic Uses of Vitamins and Minerals

This class taught by Steven Horne and Kimberly Balas focuses on how to use vitamin and mineral supplements to help people heal from various diseases. Here are the class dates and topics


Branding Yourself

Branding Yourself

The field of natural health is still largely driven by personalities, by the "guru" image people attain. People have to see you as an expert and develop faith in you so they will seek and follow your advice. More importantly, they have enough faith in…


Harnessing the Healing Power of the Mind

Harnessing the Healing Power of the Mind

What goes on in your mind is a critical, and often overlooked, factor for everyday health. And it’s even more critical to the process of healing, especially in serious illnesses. That’s because your mind has a powerful, and direct, effect on the health…
